Thursday, January 30, 2020

Romantic and Healthy Valentine's Day : Best Heart-Healthy Tips

Healthy Valentine's Day

February's month is not nearly flowers and chocolate (preferably a bar or shake at Atkins chocolate). Additionally, February is American Heart Month. Take a while to be nice to your heart, and share these heart-healthy ideas with your family and friends.
1. Measure the midpoint: Waist size indicates a better heart health than weight or BMI. Oversized waists (over 35 inches or more) can cause risk factors in the heart condition such as high cholesterol, high vital signs and diabetes. Fortunately, studies show that a low-carb diet like Atkins can help diminish the circumference of your waist.
2. Look at your carbs: Processed or quickly digested carbs (such as white flour, polished rice, sugar and packaged foods such as crackers, cookies and chips) increase the risk of coronary heart disease, in line with the Harvard Nurses Study, which has followed nearly 120,000 female nurses for eight years. You control carb intake once you have followed Atkins. Through removing added sugar and investing in whole foods, including essential vegetables, as your center Carbohydrates, you remove the processed carbs that threaten you with heart disease. As you move to Ongoing Weight Loss, and subsequently Pre-Maintenance and Lifelong Maintenance, you are gradually reintroducing more carbohydrates. This process allows you to customize the program to your own personal tolerance for carbs.

3. Eat breakfast: Studies also show that people who eat breakfast succeed in losing weight (and holding it off) more than those who do not eat breakfast. Begin the day with a couple of eggs scrambled with diced tomatoes, sliced avocado, cheddar shredded and a touch salsa. For even more delicious low-carb breakfast recipes, check out our Recipes section. On a rush? Try a bar or shake at Atkins Day break.

4. Draw a bead on 30: That is, half an hour of exercise. Consistent exercise helps burn the fat and strengthen the back. When you can't put in 30 continuous minutes of exercise, you'll divide it up throughout the day into three 10-minute walks.

5. Snack away: Keep your hunger and cravings cornered with a few balanced, low-carb snacks available all day long. Place a bag of almonds or a few Atkins bars in your purse or briefcase and hold fresh veggies, cheese and olives cut-up that can reach your refrigerator.

6. Eat your fats: Many fats are good for your heart, and they are an important part of Atkins as well. These are vegetable oil, avocado, almonds, seeds and spreading. However, seek to have at least two portions of fatty cold water fish (3.5 ounces) each week, such as salmon, halibut and tuna, which are high in omega-3 fatty acids. Omega 3s can lower triglyceride levels, slow atherosclerotic plaque speed and lower vital sign.

7. Stress: Stress will affect the health of your heart. Giving yourself a way out will do wonders for your heart (and your well being). Schedule some social time with a lover (make it a heart-pumping stroll, and in some workout you've even squeezed). Carve out half an hour to sit down with an honest book, or just take a flash to enjoy a cup of coffee and relax and refill.

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